Martin Sennett founded the company in June 2008, after working in technical publications for 24 years. Martin’s roles varied from author, to project leader, then project manager, adding part-time roles as QA Manager and, later, Group QA Manager.

MSL comprises two full-time employees with sub-contracts conferred on trusted suppliers, as and when speciality demands it (such as isometric illustrations or database work) or when volume of work requires it.

Work is performed at the trading office (or by sub-contractors at their own premises) with visits made to your office, or any place specified by you, to ...

  • discuss your requirements

  • view equipment or facilities

  • collect source materials or data

  • attend progress meetings

  • receive and discuss comments

... and for other purposes, as agreed.

When your requirements can be defined fully, a fixed-price proposal will be provided, specifying the task, agreed timescales, draft stages, and other aspects. Invoices will be issued at agreed milestones.

When your requirements cannot be defined fully, then an hourly rate and travel rate can be offered, and a ‘call-off’ contract, with a limit of liability, can be established. Invoices will be issued monthly for hours expended and travel costs incurred.

MSL has an Open General Export Licence (Technology for Military Goods) and can trade with countries of the European Union exporting such material.

MSL offers services to undertake packages of work to your specification. However, MSL is not an agency and does not place contract staff at a customer’s premises.

MSL’s services provide significant advantages over both direct employment and use of on-site contract staff. Our services mean no concerns about payroll, holidays, sick leave, or pensions; no concerns about agency mark-up, idle-time payments, short notice periods, or IR35; no concerns about provision of working space and facilities, equipment, software licences, supervision, and so on.

For further information, please review the pages of this site or contact MSL directly.